Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Here I go again. I told myself I would be more faithful to my writing here and what do I do go a month without writing. I feel awful. But I think I might have set my goal to high. I think I need to start of with once a week and work my way up. Plus to top it all of I have taken on alot more than I thought I ever would. I mean I'm happy about my decision but it's alot to adjust to. Here's a brief glimpse of my weekly schedule.

Monday cub scouts at 6:30pm.
Tuesday (every other) Co-op from 9 am -12pm
Wednesday 9:30 am reading time at the library Ballet 5pm
Thursday (every other grocery and running)
Friday cleaning make up
Saturday hopefully family time (drill one time a month)
Sunday church, maybe visit family, FRG meetings one time a month, evening church.
Then soon small group one day a week as well.

It probably doesn't seem alot to some people but this all came on really fast. Plus now I'm the FRG phone tree leader. But I'm hoping to at least once a week post. Plus now I will be homeschooling both of my children in the fall. Which I am excited about but also nerves. Well gotta go busy day tomorrow.

Monday, March 16, 2009

First and Second Graders

This month is my turn to teach the first and second graders. Which I have been teaching the preschool age only until the need arose and I volunteered to teacher the older kids as well. I had a lot of people tell me good luck when they found out I was teaching this age group. I had a hard time believing that it was going to be as bad as they made it out to be. I got my book work and was prepared for the first Sunday. I hate to say it but they where right in some ways. This was going to be a challenge. That following week after my first Sunday of teaching I began to really look at the book and the way they where teaching the class. I found that it was not working and that I personally believed that the kids would learn more from hands on more movement learning.

So my next lesson I ditched the book all together and made my own lesson plan. I decided to start with a classic. David and Goliath. I took my bible and read passages to the kids from the story. I followed it by placing a bowl of stone on the table in front of the kids. This of course brought on some interesting looks. I reminded them of what we just read and handed out small bags for each of them. I told them to please choose the same kinds of stones that David choose and the same amount. Once they began to dig in the bowl the realized that there where different kinds of stones to choose from and quickly chose the smooth ones (Five to be exact). Then I proceeded to take the children outside where I told them that they would face a Goliath and they would have to defeat him in the same manner that David did. Michael volunteered to be our Goliath and the children threw their stones at him(really bean bags) and try and hit him in the forehead like David did. I must say this had a better over all effect with the kids. they listened better to my story and I was able to review with them while the ate the snack I provided them.

I have continued to teach the children in this manner. But unfortunately I ran into an older lady who helps out with Sunday school who felt that I should be following the books the church provide instead of my own plan. I tried to explain that the children didn't remember the lesson as well when I followed the book plan as my own. For example last Sunday I assigned each child a disciple and asked them to find out what they could about them. From what their jobs where before they followed Jesus, what they did while they followed him and after. I was so overjoyed when they all came back the next Sunday and where able to share what they had learned. When proceeded to explore what the Lord's Supper means and answer questions they may have. I even brought bread and we did a craft with it after our lesson. (If you take food coloring in water and take a brush and brush the bread you can then toast the bread and the color stays on. I asked the children to show me what they feel the bread symbolizes to them and to please paint this on their bread. It was wonderful to see rainbows and the cross a tomb a flower and so on. Each child explaining why they chose to paint what they did.

I feel that I am teaching the children in the right way and have gotten positive feed back from parents so I am not too worried about what that one lady said. Plus the children seem to remember more and are more responsive in class. They are even excited and ask what we are learning next Sunday. I just feel right to go straight to the bible pick a lesson from there and then choose crafts and stuff to follow. I hope next Sunday's lesson is as good as this last one for them.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Things here have been going well. Michael and I have come across a wonderful book/movie. It's called the Love Dare. Here is what the back of the book says:

Unconditional Love is eagerly promised at weddings, but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the home. But it doesn't have to stay that way.

The Love Dare is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It's time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage. So, take he dare!

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:7-8

This book is powerful and should not be done half-heartily. This is life changing. I strongly recommend this book and the movie which is called: "Fireproof"!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Matthew 5:4

I'm not sure where to even begin. My life after that last post has been dramatically changed. In alot of ways for the best. I'll give a brief summary so that you will maybe understand. After that last entry I did take a pregnancy test. It said yes. Though out the summer we continued our search for a home while Michael continued to adjust to life as a civilian again. Then august came. On august 23 I miscarried the baby. I was supposed to be 11 weeks but the ultrasound said that the baby was only 8 1/2 weeks. I became depressed. I spent a few days in bed. I can't remember what it was exactly that brought me around. It may have been the fact that Michael was starting to get edgy living at my mom's and not being able to do anything for me, but I started to make myself get up and do things.

While all of this was going on we still tried to find a home. A week after losing the baby I was looking in a realty magazine and just happened to see a wonderful double wide for sale. It was on 1 acre with 4 bedrooms and 2 full bathes. We made an appointment that week to go and see it. I really didn't look to much as I was still feeling bad. In the end we bought it, moved in on Halloween day. I was still struggling with my feelings and everything while trying to get the kids into a routine Gabriel with school and things.

One Sunday our preacher at our church came and told me about a new Sunday school group they had started. Everyone there had young children or children. He probably thought it would help knowing what I was going through. Michael and I went and let me say I didn't go in with an open mind given my past history with the church. But I will say after a few times I was surprised with how everything was going. After being invited to a Co-op meeting ( home school group that meets at the church) I got to know some of the other mom's from Sunday school. I can now say I am friends with a very nice mom named Dawn. She is a mother of five children. Her son is only a year older than Gabriel, Simon. Natalie her middle child is only a year older than Lydia and they are almost like two peas in a pod. Then there is Valerie who is three months younger than Tony and Lastly There's brand new Lucy. Cute as can be of course. She has been a real blessing to me with everything.

A month after my loss I realized I could either grow from my Lord or Grow closer to him through this. I didn't grow closure I've clung to him. I am ever the more faithful in my reading and prayer time with him. Not just that but I have begun teaching in Sunday school. preschool and kindergarten class and the first and second grade class as well. I've been feeling like I'm really going in the direction the Lord wants me to be.

Despite all this great growth Michael and I are still trying. I am on clomid again. Started off on 50mg. Getting my progesterone levels checked. But still nothing. I've had my thyroid checked as well and they say it's fine. They have bumped me up to 100mg for march and I am going to start doing a OPK every day to see when I am ovulating. Despite all this I still have a twinge of fear that even when I do finally get pregnant I may loss the baby. Before I never even consider it a possibility but now I see things different. I know the Lord is not cruel and he loves me even if I do not understand his ways. I know all I can do is pray and wait to see if the Lord will bless me again. I feel horrible for saying this but I feel weird being around Dawn. Especially while she was pregnant. But I wasn't going to let that get int the way. Now that the baby is here I had this internal battle going on. Should I hold the baby should I not. That first Sunday she was at church I could barely look at her. But I made myself look at her even touch her when I took Dawn's valentine stuff to her. The next visit Michael told me to hold the baby he thinks it would help. So I did. Even a couple of times. It was nice but at the same time that horrible ache came back to my arms.

The first time I felt this ache heaviness was a week after the miscarriage. I had such a desire to hold something. Over time it became worse and then I got Jill for Christmas. I guess Michael thought she would help. (Jill is our cat). In a way it did, but now I see it only suppressed it. Because after holding Lucy that feeling came back. It was all I could do not to cry there in front of Dawn and the kids and on the way home. Once home I succumbed to it. I pray every night for Dawn and her family for every pregnant women I come across and every new mother. I just can't help but ask when is it my turn Lord. When do I get my baby? I prayed for my baby the first two weeks. Asking the Lord to watch over my little one until I could come and be with it. But after two weeks I knew there was no longer a reason to because I knew he would. There way really no reason to pray for that in the first place other than my peace of mind.

One night when I was feeling especially blue wondering what can I do to alleviate some of this sadness this immense pressure I feel I started flipping through the bible. I had my ultrasound photo there beside me of the baby. Then my bible fell open to the book of Matthew. I looked down it was open to the fifth book of Matthew. My eyes feel straight to verse four. "Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted" It was like lightning. I knew do fully deal for me I needed to name the baby. To full give way to my pain and if by naming the baby brought this process around I was. I named him Matthew for the comfort that verse in that book brought me. I really can't explain this but It all felt right. In naming him, the baby I was able to really see what had happened. To know that my mourning was normal and I was mourning a really little person, my little person. Know that I will never forget. Know that he is waiting for me and I will one day be with him, is a comfort. This month coming up will be a difficult one for me. March 12th was my due date. My little Matthew was supposed to join our family then know that he never will is very hard. My secret hope is that though Matthew can not be here maybe the Lord will bless us with the knowledge that another little one is on the way. Look it's late I need to get off here. I'll write more later. Hopefully more often now.