Monday, November 06, 2006


Well this past Friday was my visit with a surgeon. Dr. Brown so wonderfully informed me that not only do I definitely have gallstones but I have multiple. Seeing that he said this they will be taking out my gallbladder.

My surgery was then scheduled for Mon. the 13th at 12:30p.m. But of course I have to be there 2 hours early for the surgeon, 10:30 a.m. They then told me they want to do some test and blood work before that, that then pushes it another hour earlier. Bring me to 9:30 a.m. My favorite part is when they tell you nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before. So not only do I have 3 hours to worry myself to death before surgery, I also get to be hungry and light headed.

Needless to say I am stressed. I've had alot of people tell me I will be fine. That's great and all, but when you have never had anything wrong and you hear put to sleep and surgery you get a little freaked out. Especially since it's a body part they are removing. So I feel I'm entitled to be a little upset. Once this is done great, but for now, No.

I just wish Michael would quick telling me "You'll be fine." I know he's trying to help but it's not.
Oh well, at least the Lord isn't whispering you'll be fine every 5 sec.

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