Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18, 2008

As every one is well aware of by now is that there was an earth quake that struck parts of the mid eastern part of the USA. I live in KY and thus was not as hard. But It accrued at around 5:30am. I was of course asleep and it took me a second to realize what was going on. To be honest it didn't get worse so when it stopped I laid there for a second and then went back to sleep. I mean there was nothing else to do plus I had to get up in a little bit to get Gabriel ready for school. But any way Sorry it's been a little bit since I last wrote anything but a lot is involved when you have to relocate. I should know, I mean I did start my life out in this manner. But it's made me into who I am today and I wouldn't change it. I love Michael my kids and I actually have some great in-laws. Well we are still working on the one mother-in-law. But maybe Lord willing it can all come about. I just pray she will start treating her husband nicer. But he's a big boy and capable of making his own decisions. Well it's late I need to get some sleep. I'll try and write more later on. BYE!

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