Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday 27, 2008

Yesterday was Jeena, Josh, Jake, and Jacksons birthday party over at the Jenkins's. They had the parties at Uncle Kelly's house. It was pretty good. Jeena turned 3, Josh and Jake 1 and Jackson 10. I also went over to see Uncle Stacey since he had come back home from UC. He had alittle above his knee amputated. But he seems in good spirits but still alittle swollen. I'm in the process of trying to find him some orthotic socks but I don't know his measurments so it is proven to be a challenge. But I'm going to try and go over one day and see what he has and doesn't and go from there. I haven't heard from Michael yet but maybe tomorrow. I'm doing much better with the gap in time since I know it is about less than a month until I see him again. This time he stays home and I'm so excited. Well I need to go write later bye.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

One month left

I only have one month left until Michael is finally back home with us and I can't wait. This waiting is driving me nuts and I welcome any kind of distracting. I am so glad that I am here with Michael's parents, it is really helping the time to go bye. Plus the closer it gets to Michael coming home the more I realize also how much time there is left before I start my clinical and I am done with my school. Soon I will be a medical assistant. I am so surprised with myself as I never really found myself actually going to school for a career. I figured I would just graduate from high school and start working somewhere. But now I am actually thinking about some day going all the way to be coming a full fledged RN. Won't that be something. Especially since neither of my parents finished college or some kind of secondary schooling. Or my brother or sister (At least so far). I still thing some day I will travel to another country to help. Well I gotta go things get busy and I will try and write when ever I can. Bye for now!

Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18, 2008

As every one is well aware of by now is that there was an earth quake that struck parts of the mid eastern part of the USA. I live in KY and thus was not as hard. But It accrued at around 5:30am. I was of course asleep and it took me a second to realize what was going on. To be honest it didn't get worse so when it stopped I laid there for a second and then went back to sleep. I mean there was nothing else to do plus I had to get up in a little bit to get Gabriel ready for school. But any way Sorry it's been a little bit since I last wrote anything but a lot is involved when you have to relocate. I should know, I mean I did start my life out in this manner. But it's made me into who I am today and I wouldn't change it. I love Michael my kids and I actually have some great in-laws. Well we are still working on the one mother-in-law. But maybe Lord willing it can all come about. I just pray she will start treating her husband nicer. But he's a big boy and capable of making his own decisions. Well it's late I need to get some sleep. I'll try and write more later on. BYE!

Monday, April 07, 2008


Today I took Lydia to the Dr because I was worried she was starting to get a sinus infection. This is usually the time we have to deal with allergies. Poor thing woke up and sounded like she swallowed a whole bunch of frogs. I got her a appointment at 11am with Dr Dubois. He so nicely informed me that she has the beginning part of a sinus infection, strep throat, and bronchitis. Wonderful right?! He prescribed her an antibiotic. Then which he should have done last summer put her on a breathing machine. She is to have breathing treatments for her cough and whenever she she wheezes or seems to have a hard time breathing. Every though something was wrong last summer and I did too, But I understand why he wanted to wait to see if she would out grow it. You know give her another year. But no, she has too much of a family history with bronchitis and allergies that I had a feeling we would have problems. It's just hard to know when she is sick because she never runs a fever or coughs until she is really bad. Where as Gabriel doesn't really eat or play or anything. He acts pitiful. Lulu keeps playing and eating and by the time I get any indication that something might be wrong she's usually really bad. She I had a feeling she was worse than she appeared. Well I write later and write down how she did with her first treatment and everything.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

May 6, 2008

Well I have been very busy this week. It's been nice to come down and I wish that the kids and I were just staying and didn't have to go back to Indiana. But I still have things to pack and thankfully only have three weeks to get it all done in. Then we will be on our way to KY and shortly after Thank the Lord Michael will be home. I'm so excited and pray time goes by very quickly now. I also pray that the Lord let's it be hopefully never but along time before he is deployed again. But we are also currently in the process of looking for our won home. It's so nice that we are able to do a VA loan. There is a house that I have found that I really like but have to wait and see. Well just wanted to write a quick something. Write more when I can, bye for now!